
“International Islamic Propagation Center Canada” is a registered, tax-exempted charity under CRA (Canada Revenue Agency). Please note that your contribution is tax deductible to the full extent permitted by law. Please consult with your tax adviser. For your records, our Registered Charity Number: 80654 8632 RR0001

Donate Us via

Should you wish to make a donation by bank transfer please use the following information:

Account name: International Islamic Propagation Centre Canada.
Bank Name: TD (Toronto Dominion) Canada Trust Bank
Acc No: 5235155
Canada IBAN: 026009593
Transit No: 02219
Institution No: 004
Branch No: 221

For Donors from USA
ABA: 026009593

Branch Address:
5001 19th Street, Unit 500
Red Deer, AB T4R 3R1

If you don’t have a Paypal account You can Donate with your credit card.
Click on the below link to make your donations via Paypal.